
SYDNEY osouji nikki


2023.07.23 sun シドニーチーム posted by Stephanie
28人 / 28袋
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日本語↓On Sunday, we were out on the beach in force! How fantastic to have such a large turn out for a clean up that isn't in the city. I was so grateful to those who came from all corners of the city to help out our beach and socialise too. There were a number of people who stopped to ask what we were doing, and asked to join future events. Some of our volunteers went out of their way to collect as much as they could (even when the area was technically a little dangerous). All of you are role models for those around us, both young and old. Thank you for coming out to show how all of us can be better citizens through our actions! See you again in August!
今回は日本とオーストラリアのみならず、タイとコロンビアの代表も態々シドニーの各地からビーチをお掃除しにきてくれました。最初は天気が心配でしたが結局ずっと晴天に恵まれ、ラッキー! 皆さんの温かい心と環境に役に立ちたい姿勢に感激しました。すれ違いながら立ち止まり、グリーンバードの活動について聞く方も何人かいたし、本当に環境のためにいいことしているな~と感じながら、他人へ影響も与えられたようで嬉しかったです。ボランティアの皆様はみんなのお手本です! また8月にお会いできることを楽しみにしております。