
SYDNEY osouji nikki


2022.11.26 sat シドニーチーム posted by Stephanie
16人 / 16袋
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日本語↓Gracias, thank you, 謝謝, ありがとう to all of today's attendees. Today we had some new people join, including one attendee who previously saw us cleaning in the street, found us online, and decided to come along this month! We tried a new route - Pitt St. It wasn't quite as dirty as Sussex, but we still found plenty of rubbish to pick up. My hope is that passersby took an interest in what we were doing, and that we made a lasting impression on even some people. One of our new attendees also said that coming today made her realise how much rubbish there is, as she hadn't been paying attention before.

In the New Year, I'm thinking of sometimes doing a beach cleanup too, for those who want to try something different. Although we will also continue with our city cleans. Thank you to those who have continually supported Green Bird as we gain our footing~I'm looking forward to making an impact, however small, again in the New Year.

今日来てくれた皆様にありがとうございます。1回来ても毎回来てもグリーンバードのメンバーは皆人柄が温かくていい人達ばかりで感謝しています。今日は活動のためにPitt Stを選びましたが今まで掃除してみた道よりゴミが少し少なかった様子でした。もちろんそれでも十分拾えた感じです。プラゴミ見つからないならタバコの吸い殻に集中しよう! と考えてくれたメンバーもいて、今までゴミ拾いについて深く考えたことがなかったが、やってみたら意外とゴミがあるねという声もありました。

