

参加者数: 18人
ごみ袋: 袋


2月25日にOrange Coast Collegeで開催されたPirate Involvement Fairに、私たちgreenbird Costa Mesa teamも参加しました。このイベントを通じて、多くの方にgreenbirdの活動を知っていただくことができました。そして、今回のクリーンアップでは、いつも参加してくださる皆さんに加え、フェアをきっかけに私たちを知ってくださった方々も参加してくださいました!




On March 1st, we held our third cleanup of the year!

On February 25th, our greenbird Costa Mesa team participated in the Pirate Involvement Fair at Orange Coast College. This event was a great opportunity to introduce our activities to many people. Thanks to the fair, not only did our regular members join this cleanup, but also some new participants who learned about us at the event!

During this cleanup, we noticed a lot of large trash items, and some participants even filled their trash bags quickly. No matter which street we walked on, we kept finding cigarette butts. They are easy to overlook in daily life, but when we focus on picking up trash, we realize just how many there are. Even though we do cleanups twice a month, cigarette litter does not seem to decrease. Since cigarette waste causes serious environmental pollution, we hope to see a reduction in the future.🌏

Also, during our cleanup, we came across a house where people were giving away unwanted dishes and household items for free. Instead of throwing things away immediately, sharing them with others who might need them is a great way to help the environment.✨

Our next cleanup will be on March 15th!
We usually clean around the campus, but this time, we are planning a beach cleanup. 🏝️
We hope to see you there!