
Darling Harbour!

参加者数: 28人
ごみ袋: 袋

This month we tried cleaning up in Darling Harbour! It was a beautiful, warm day and we had a lot of keen volunteers show up. We were a multilingual group as usual this month, with speakers of Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Swiss-German, French and Chinese joining us. Although popular tourist spots like Darling Harbour always seem clean on the surface, we managed to collect many bags of rubbish. In fact, it was afterwards when we were eating lunch that I saw an even dirtier area near food and drink shops. It made me realise that areas where people eat outside are often littered with packaging and need cleaning more than other areas. Nevertheless, our volunteers enjoyed the water views while we walked around the Darling Harbour area! One of our new volunteers offered to help me make a video showing our activities, so look forward to seeing that soon!

This month, I have also set up an Instagram account for Sydney Green Bird. I am hoping that the younger generation who aren’t on Facebook will be able to connect with our activities in this way! Please support us by following @sydney_greenbird.


今月はダーリングハーバーで活動しました! 天気は暖かくてとても気持ちよく、きれいな水辺の近くで掃除ができて、楽しかったです。今回も多言語のグループで、韓国語、日本語、スペイン語、スイスドイツ語、フランス語、そして中国語を話すメンバーが参加してくれました。


この度、「Sydney Green Bird」のInstagramアカウントも作りました! Facebookを使っていない若い世代の方々にも、こうして活動を知ってもらえたらうれしいです。ぜひ @sydney_greenbird をフォローして、応援してください!