

参加者数: 15人
ごみ袋: 袋


春セメスターが始まって二週間が経ち、キャンパスではさまざまなイベントが行われ、今期も賑わいを見せています。green bird Costa Mesaにも新入生の姿がちらほら見られ、とてもワクワクしています。そんな新入生たちを見ながら、「次の後継者は誰がふさわしいだろう」と考え、「次の1年間も私たちの代と同様に、green bird Costa Mesaをしっかり守り、さらに盛り上げてほしい」と思い、いよいよ自分がこの活動を離れる時が近づいていることを実感しています。

私たちの日頃の清掃活動はもちろん、その世代にしかできない新しい取り組みを始めてくれたら、green bird Costa Mesaはさらに良い方向へ変わっていくはずです。一年後の姿を想像すると、とても楽しみです。

今月は、学校の Pirate Involvement Fair にも参加し、より多くの人に私たちの活動を知ってもらおうと考えています。お時間のある方は、ぜひ 2月25日(火) に私たちのブースに遊びに来てくれたら嬉しいです!

次回のクリーンアップは 3月1日 です!

On February 15, we held our second cleanup of 2025! After a week of rainy weather all week at California, we were blessed with sunny skies today♪

It has been two weeks since the start of the spring semester, and the campus has been bustling with various events this semester. green bird Costa Mesa has also seen a few new students here, which is very exciting. As I look at these new students, I wonder who will be the most suitable successor, and I hope that they will continue to protect and further enhance green bird Costa Mesa over the next year, just as they did in our generation, and I realize that the time for me to leave this activity is approaching.

If they start new initiatives that only their generation can do, not to mention our daily cleanup activities, green bird Costa Mesa will change for the better. I am very excited to imagine what it will look like in a year’s time.

This month, we are also planning to participate in the Pirate Involvement Fair at the school to let more people know about our activities. If you have time, we would love it if you could come visit our booth on Tuesday, February 25!

Our next cleanup will be on March 1!
We look forward to seeing you all there!