
Showa Boston Collaboration on 12/14

参加者数: 32人
ごみ袋: 袋

12月14日(土)に、昭和女子ボストン校の生徒の皆さんとコラボをして昭和女子キャンパスのあるJamaic Plainの方でゴミ拾いをしました。合計で32人の学生さんに集まっていただきShowa BostonとGreen Birdの名前を轟かせてきました!!



On December 14th, Green Bird Boston collaborated with Showa Boston and cleaned streets around the Showa Boston campus, the Jamaica Plain! About 32 students showed up to our clean-up, representing the names of both Showa Boston and Green Bird!! The energy and motivation of volunteers have led us to collect the most trash I have ever seen, which is a great accomplishment! Let’s keep liven up the Japanese community in Boston together!


Posted by Takahiro