今回で3回目のBusiness Law class のExtra CreditコラボレーションClean upでした。ついに今回でお掃除への3回の参加を達成してくれた方がいました!初めはきっとextra credit が理由での参加ではあったと思いますが、今ではgreen birdのお掃除を楽しんでいる姿を見れるまでになりました!この企画を計画した時は少し不安もありましたが、やってよかったなと思いました。
今学期でのイベントはこのExtra credit で最後になりますが来学期もまた楽しいイベントをどんどん企画できたらなと思います。一つ一つのイベントを考え一緒に企画したくれるメンバーには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
今セメスターでのお掃除は残すところ2回となりました。私自身green birdのお掃除に初めて参加した時から一年以上たち来学期はついに私たちの最後の学期となります。最後まで楽しん丸張りたいと思います!
On November 2, we held our 19th cleanup this year! This was the second consecutive week of cleanups, and although the number of participants was a little low, we could start the cleanup in a lively atmosphere with those who came to the event.
This was the third Business Law class Extra Credit Collaboration Cleanup. Finally, one person participated in three cleanups! I am sure that at the beginning, they participated only for the extra credit, but now we can see them enjoying the green bird cleanup! I was a little worried when I planned this project, but I am glad that I did it.
This Extra credit will be the last event for this semester, but I hope we can plan more fun events next semester. I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the group who helped me plan each event.
There are only two cleanups left in this semester. It has been more than a year since I participated in my first green bird cleanup, and next semester will finally be our last. I hope to enjoy and work hard until the end!
The next clean-up will be held on November 16!
We hope to see you there!