

参加者数: 22人
ごみ袋: 袋

今回は Business law class の2回目のEctra creditコラボレーション clean upでした。前回に引き続き参加してくれる business law クラスの生徒がいてとても嬉しかったです。今回は久しぶりにカムデンアパートメントへの道でのお掃除を行いました。お掃除途中business law クラスからの参加者の方と話していた時「あと一回でExtra creditのための参加は達成だね」と話すと、「extra credit が終わっても参加するよ」と言ってくれました。その時本当に今まででいちぽんの感動とやりがいを感じました。彼らがExtra creditの目的を超えて、今後も参加したいと感じてくれたことは、私たちにとって非常に大きな励みとなりました。

On October 26, we held our 18th cleanup of the year! We were able to have our second clean-up in October after being absent for two weeks due to various reasons.
This was the second Ectra credit collaboration clean up for the business law class. We were very happy to have students from the business law class participate in this event again. This time, we cleaned up the street to Camden Apartments for the first time in a while. During the clean up, I was talking with one of the participants from the business law class, and I told him that he had completed his extra credit participation after one more clean up, and he said that he would continue to participate even after his extra credit was over. At that time, I was truly moved and felt the most rewarding feeling ever. It was a great encouragement for us that they felt that they wanted to continue to participate in the program beyond the purpose of the extra credit.
We hope that the number of participants will continue to increase and that we will be able to strengthen our bond with each other as well. We will continue our activities, believing that our small efforts, little by little, will lead to big changes for the environment.
The next clean-up will be held on November 2!
We look forward to your participation again!