今回はBusiness Law classのExtra credit コラボレーション Clean upでした。このクラスの生徒はコンセメスター中の残り5回のお掃除のうち最低三回参加するとこのクラスで
今セメスターも中盤に差し掛かってきていて時間が経つのはとても早いなと日々感じています。これから肌寒い日が増えていき朝起きるのが辛い季節に入っていきますが、一緒にgreen birdを盛り上げてくれるたら嬉しいです!
On October 5, we held our 17th cleanup this year! It has been getting colder and colder recently, but on this day it was sunny and warm, and we were able to do the cleanup in the sunshine.
This time it was an Extra Credit Collaboration Clean-up for the Business Law class. Students in this class are eligible to receive 10 extra credit points for participating in at least three of the five remaining cleanups during the semester. This was the first of those three cleanups. I feel that the number of participants and consecutive participants has been increasing recently thanks to my active participation in various projects and events. It is very rewarding to see the participants enthusiastically collecting bags full of trash from the roadside. I was also very happy to see the participants getting to know each other better and better each time.
I am now approaching the middle of the semester, and every day I feel that time is passing very quickly. The chilly days will increase and it will be hard to wake up in the morning, but I would be happy if you could join me in making the green bird project more exciting!
The next cleanup will be held on October 26!
We are looking forward to your participation again!