
参加者数: 18人
ごみ袋: 袋

3月15日に今年4回目のクリーンアップを行いました!今回は今年初めてのビーチクリーンアップを開催し、美しいNew port beachで暖かな陽射しと共にお掃除を開催することができました!



次回のクリーンアップは 4月12日 です!

On March 15, we held our fourth cleanup of the year! This was the first time this year that we held a beach cleanup, and we were able to hold the cleanup along with warm sunshine on the beautiful New port beach!

The day before, it had been raining every day, which is rare in California, and we were worried about the weather that day, but it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day and many participants came to the event. Some of them had never participated in a beach cleanup before, but were interested in this one and came to the event for the first time. Interestingly, I felt that local people in California have stronger feelings toward beaches than Japanese people do, and they actively participate in beach cleanups.

Through this cleanup activity, I will consider incorporating beach cleanups into my future activities. We felt that by conducting activities that take advantage of the unique characteristics of California, we may be able to attract more local people to our activities.

The next cleanup will be held on April 12!
We are looking forward to your participation!